White Chestnut Bach Flower Essence
White Chestnut people are the over-thinkers, the people who torment themselves with thoughts of what if? Why did I? Why didn’t I? Why did they/he/she etc. They can’t shake off intrusive, unwanted thoughts, they just go around and around causing sleepless nights which leaves them waking up in the morning feeling exhausted. They become irritable and make mistakes due to lack of sleep and being preoccupied with these thoughts that just won’t switch off. This can affect physical and emotional well-being.
White Chestnut Bach flower essence helps to bring peace of mind and stops the intrusive, unwanted thoughts from taking hold. Calm, rational thinking replaces the overthinking and sleep is restored aiding physical and emotional recovery.
White Chestnut can be used to restore harmony in people who are experiencing the following symptoms:
Can't turn off intrusive, unwanted thoughts that keep going round in their head.
Constant mental chatter, replaying conversations and events over and over.
Overthinking and mental hyperactivity.
Lacks concentration or focus in everyday life.
Can’t sleep due to racing thoughts.
Wakes up exhausted due to broken sleep.
Over time they become sleep deprived due to constantly disturbed sleep, either not able to drop off to sleep due to overthinking or thoughts waking them up during the night.
Depression due to overthinking and tiredness.
Fuzzy head and brain fog.
Eyes feel sore and irritated, and may also be prone to frontal headaches.
The essence of White Chestnut can help to release the energy block and allow the natural energy to flow freely. People will notice this through changes in their behaviour and feelings.
Able to control intrusive thoughts.
Balanced state of mind.
Clear head enables working through problems and finding solutions.
Calm mind leading to clarity of thought.
Able to control thoughts and stop mind racing particularly at night enabling a good night’s sleep.
4 drops x 4 times per day preferably on an empty stomach.
Using a dropper to put the drops straight on or under the tongue.
Hold in the mouth for a few seconds before swallowing for maximum benefit.
Try not to let the dropper touch the tongue as this will transfer digestive enzymes back into the bottle.
If the symptoms are particularly acute you can increase the dosage to 4 drops every 10 – 30 minutes until you notice the symptoms improving.
Can be taken as often as it feels necessary but a minimum of 4 times per day to start feeling the benefits.
Alternatively, in acute cases you can add 2 drops to a drink, such as water or juice and sip frequently refilling as needed.
Note: Safe to use for babies, simply add the drops into the baby’s bottle.
It’s very rare for Flower Remedies to have any side effects, however in rare cases people can experience what is known as 'aggravation', this is simply that the original symptoms are temporarily intensified and you may feel worse for a short period of time before you start to notice benefits.